jeep safari Lanzarote

Make a jeep safari adventure

The route starts from Tahiche, where we give our clients,
the first information given and stop of our excursion, included a photo stop.

Afterwards we continue towards San Bartolomé where is the largest plantation of sweet potatoes from the Canary Islands and we arrive at the “Monumento del Campesino” (Monument of the Farmer).

After this visit,
we will be heading to the town of Nazaret (Sea Lake) where we give general information about the Omar Sharif's house and about the island of Lanzarote. From Nazaret, go off road to Teguise village (which was the fisrt capital of the island) where we will have 20 minutes break of coffee and bathrooms. We continue the rout to Famara, where we can see the archipelago Chinijo ( the 3 islands, La Graciosa, Montaña Clara y Alegranza). Also you can see El Jable (sand coming from Famara dunes forming). The clients have information stop and photo stop and if the weather is good, you can take a bath. We head towards Soo to enter La Santa, small fishing village.
Take the rout to Tinajo reaching the village of Mancha Blanca toward the visitor center, where customers can get an idea how the ancient inhabitants lived with the active volcano.
There, a simulation inside the cave is made.
The clients have a time to go to the bathroom.

See all the corners and inside of Lanzarote

We go for an inside track that leads to La Geria to see an area of old plantation of typical Lanzarote grapes (malvasía). We can see on both sides of the road, crossing La Geria, the plantation system. We stop at volcán of Tiguaton, where we walk inside to see the cráter ( 30 min.)

  • The company reserves the rerouting for possible causes of force majeure.
  • In winter, wear warm clothes. In summer, do not forget your swimsuit.
  • For security reasons, they are not permitted the alcoholic beverages.
  • Lunch is not included.

Pick up Playa Blanca, Puerto del Carmen, Costa Teguise.

Come with us on our Lanzarote Jeep Safari and dare to try the unknown on our adventurous route!

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